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Mark R. Morris Jr. Powered by Blogger.


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Wednesday, February 17, 2016
I can't wait to share the details with all of you, but for now, I am just going to give you a little preview. Are you ready? The whole thing takes a lot of setup, but once it's in place, it works automatically to create over 60 backlinks to every single blog post!

I know, amazing right? SO, I am not quite ready to share the entire recipe yet, but let me give you the ingredients list.

  1. Blog posts go into IFTTT
  2. RSS feed gets fed to three other feeder sites, owned by friends. It will help them keep lots of great content, and help you out too. 
  3. IFTTT sends the RSS feeds to the three sites, then out to 20 different bookmarking and social sites. VOILA! Over 60 instant, high quality backlinks from every single post you publish, and it's all WHITE HAT!


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