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Tuesday, February 21, 2017

It was a long day, but I think I made a dent in some much needed promotion. So, here’s what I’ve been up to. I finally came to the conclusion that to move into a better paying platform ( Gum road, or Payhip) I needed to leverage the audience building power of Amazon to sell enough books to make the transition. For whatever reason, people will spend money on Amazon, even at a slightly higher price, than on these other platforms. So, I’m moving full bore Amazon. 

At the moment, I’m promoting my Origin Dime Chronicles series, a collection of three novellas that all add up to one novel sized collection, The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Saving the Multiverse. Through the magic of Kindle select, I have two types of promotion at my fingertips and I’m using them both. I can only use one for each book, so here’s what I determined to do. First: a 2 day give away of “Jacked” (part one of The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Saving the Multiverse) 

Then, a Kindle Countdown deal on the whole enchilada! Starting Thursday, The Complete Beginner’s Guide to Saving the Multiverse, formerly titled All Jacked Up until I realized there was too much competition for that name and it also said nothing about my story, for 99 cents! The hope is that the bite sized sample of the 80 page JACKED will lure readers into the larger purchase of The Complete Guide, for a cash price. 

Since Amazon stopped promoting free books, even when they hit #1, getting a book to paid download status, is the key to getting ranked. Also, the Kindle Countdown program has its web pages, where the countdown volumes are listed separately for readers to find. So, what’s the benefit? Same as the benefit of being sold in a small book store, less competition for eyeballs! 

So far, I’m up to #8 free in Time Travel scifi and hoping to break #1! Then, when The Complete Guide moves to Kindle Countdown, I’ll shift the second novella into free give away mode to keep the traffic coming. The final piece of the puzzle, book three, will not go up for discount or free giveaway, making the novel length “omnibus” containing all three novellas, the best deal and hopefully a sure fire seller. So, while I may not make much off the 99 cent sales, hopefully, I will move up in the rankings. 

I’ll keep you posted! Thanks for tuning in. Be sure to share my blog if it interests you and I love comments! Like to learn more about any phase of self-publishing? Message me at MarkRMorris2@gmail.com with your questions! Thanks!

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