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Thursday, March 24, 2016
Over the past few days, I've been spending a lot of time in book publishing world, that little hole in the internet where indie authors have to go to get their product out into the world. I've been doing this for over 10 years, and I can tell you the options that exist now are way beyond anything that was available with my first attempt.

I've gotten Jacked up on Amazon and CreateSpace and Lulu.com and I've been sharing it around a few places, just kind of getting the ball rolling. This is the hard part and the fun part combined. I've done two interviews, fun part, I've waited for sales to start, the hard part.

But, I know it's a good story. I have other readers who've said so, so I know I'm not delusional and it will find any audience. I just have to treat it like a job and keep slugging away! I've found a couple of great tools that have helped some and I'll be sharing them all with you in time.

For today, I am going to enjoy my morning in the coffee shop, then head back to my office to work on an edit for another writer, and start outlining some projects for a big political writing gig coming up, but mostly I want to take the time to be grateful for my wonderful life.

I don't say a lot about my life here, normally, but I should. I'm forty-five, been married a quarter of a century in Dec. to my high school sweetheart, who still tells me she loves me. I have eight kids, two are grown, six at home and I have four dogs, three cats and on of my kids has a lizard. This makes me one of the most loved men in the history of the planet and I should feel happy to be alive every day.

Anyway, didnt' have much of importance to say today, except that Jacked Part One is finished and ready and I'll be sharing it here very soon.


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